COVID Hair Fall

COVID Hair Fall: What to Do?

Congratulations on your spirited and successful fight against the coronavirus infection. While the worst may be over, the post-COVID complications may continue to plague you for some time more. For most of these complications, your physician will prescribe medication and advise you to hold on to your mental strength to build up the lost physical stamina. But, there is one bugging issue that may arise after your recovery from COVID, i.e., hair fall.

This is one problem that most of us face in our daily lives, in varying degrees. Normally, a healthy human can shed up to 100 hair strands daily. At any given point in time, 10-15% of our hair is in the shedding phase to allow new hair growth. Besides the routine shedding of hair, there are several reasons for hair loss, including heredity, age, medical conditions, poor diet, stress, and environmental factors. Identifying the underlying reason for hair fall is essential to implement preventive measures like lifestyle and diet change, medications and treatments, etc.

2-3 months after recovery from fever or any serious illnesses like COVID, due to the stress that our body endures, hair in the growing and transition stages are fast-forwarded into the shedding stage. This results in the loss of as many as 70% of scalp hair. The clinical name of this temporary post-recovery hair fall is telogen effluvium. This complication lasts up to 6-9 months, after which hair regrows. Treatments for hair fall and regrowth are recommended if the problem persists.

A large fraction of people who have recovered from COVID reported similar hair fall issues. COVID infection makes the body go through a lot of duress, while the mind faces trauma due to the isolation experience. All of these lead to stress. Anxiety due to the pandemic can also cause hair fall in individuals who were not infected by the virus. Acute telogen effluvium happens as a sign that the body is dealing with stress and slowly getting back to normalcy. But, if you are wondering how to stop COVID hair fall, here are some simple tips that can help you.

Focus on regaining strength and immunity

COVID affects multiple organs and your overall immunity. The recovery is slow, making you vulnerable to other infections. Hence, whether you are bothered about hair fall or not, your primary focus should be regaining your strength and immunity. A balanced diet, proper sleep, and light exercises will speed up the return of your healthy self besides controlling hair loss. Further, regular meditation will help calm your stressed nerves and mind, leading to overall fitness.

Recommended Hair loss Therapy

Take care of nutritional deficiencies

Check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Inadequate iron, Vitamins D, and B levels can significantly affect new cell growth and suppress hair follicles. Iron-rich foods and foods containing Vitamin B complex will reduce hair shedding post-COVID. You could even consider taking dietary supplements to fulfil the deficiencies.

Gentle hair care regime

Massage your hair gently with organic hair oil and wash off with a mild, sulphate-free shampoo. Do not rub or brush your scalp vigorously. Avoid harsh hair treatments or styles that pull at your hair strands.

Medical attention for persistent hair fall

A practicing dermatologist/ trichologist can advise you with oral medications like anti androgens and topical medications like peptide serum to treat persistent hair fall issue.
At Jo! Skin Revive, we are experienced in caring for hair affected by major stressors like serious illness, prolonged medication, and childbirth. Visit us for advanced therapies such as micro needling, laser light therapy, etc., administered by our resident dermatologist to beat the stress of COVID and grow a beautiful and lustrous mane.

Also, Read Pre-Bridal Skincare Tips for a Glowing Skin

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